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I sustained an injury after The Great South Run in 2014. It was one of those feelings that had been niggling away at me for weeks and after deciding to ignore it, my body retaliated by knocking me for six. I suffered with depression and anxiety as I lost all confidence in my body. I was in pain every day. I needed to try something new to help me recover mentally and physically. I decided to try yoga.

I rolled out a mat and felt like an impostor. I clumsily dragged my body through each flow. I cried. However, as I lay quietly in savasana, something settled in me. I decided to keep showing up: to learn; to listen. Not just to the fantastic teachers but also to my body. It helped me to heal at a realistic pace. As I kept up my practice, things began to shift. I learnt how important it was to nurture a mind and body connection and that returning to full health meant working on both aspects in sync, not simply focusing on one or the other. I realised that yoga was far more than just a physical practice. Slowly, yoga helped me to recover and it changed my life.

I decided that I wanted to learn more - beyond the postures, delve deeper into the anatomy, philosophy and the ancient foundations of yoga. I wanted to help others experience the benefits I had found through practising yoga. I completed my YTT200 hour qualification with guidance of my brilliant teacher, David Michel.


When I became pregnant I taught until almost the end of my second trimester. I had a healthy and straightforward pregnancy but had quite a shock when my son decided it was his time to arrive 6 weeks early. I was incredibly underprepared. The only thing I had to carry me through the dramatic experience of his birth was my breath. I moved in unscripted ways as I instinctively found my own methods of coping. During labour I didn't speak (though I definitely wasn't quiet...!) but I remained completely focused. I had a powerful, spiritual experience where feminine warrior energy guided me to a place where I was able to birth naturally. Despite the circumstances and medical intervention, I felt so in-tune with my body and the most powerful I'd ever been. I know that my yoga experience played a critical part in that.


A year later, I enrolled with the wonderful Sally Parkes to gain a FEDANT accredited pregnancy/postnatal yoga qualification (YTT85 hours). It was inspiring and insightful - it helped me to process my birth experience too. Since then, I have supported women from all over the UK on their journey to motherhood.

I now have two children and our family live in Needham Market, Suffolk. I love to be outdoors and teach at Needham Lake during the Spring and Summer. During the colder months I run monthly sessions at Red Gables, Stowmarket. Year round, I offer 121 private sessions at my garden studio or online via Zoom. 

About Me: About Me
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